纳吉:大马须强势政府加速转型‧“国 阵险胜我或丟官”
Malaysian prime minister Najib Razak has warned that nascent reforms can't be done"overnight" and that Southeast Asia's third-largest economy risks slipping backwards if he does not win a strong majority in an election he must call within weeks. Datuk Seri Najib said a reduced parliamentary majority could weaken his drive to curb Malaysia's budget deficit and raise investment, and even cost him his job.
首相拿督斯里纳吉强调,改革无法在 一夜之间完成;他也警告说,来届大 选如果国阵无法取得大胜,作为东南 亚第三大经济体的马来西亚可能面对 衰退的风险。纳吉坦言,如果国阵的 多数议席减少,將会削弱他要减少赤 字和增加投资的努力,甚至会让他失 去工作。
来届大选如果国阵无法 取得大胜,作为东南亚第三 大经济体的马来西亚可能面 对衰退的风险。
If Barisan Nasional cannot secure a strong mandate, Malaysia’s economy will be affected negatively because of instability.

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